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The Ultimate Guide to Nugget Configurations!

Here are a ton of nugget couch ideas all in one place – Nugget build configurations, slides, ramps, forts, obstacle courses, and more ideas kids love!

Love your Nugget comfort couch? Yeah, us too! So much that we now have four! Whoops 🙂

People love Nuggets because they are full of limitless free play options for kids to let their imaginations run free and burn up lots of energy.

But, sometimes, with unlimited option, you get decision paralysis.

Nugget cafe build

You know how if you go to a restaurant with a fifteen page long menu, it feels overwhelming to make a choice? It’s like that.

I have a LOT of nugget ideas from our 2 years of playing with them every single day.

big triangle nugget build

So, today I am excited to round up all of our nugget configuration ideas for you!

Our ideas include:

I hope that each of these ideas will inspire you to do something new and different with your Nugget.

Hot tip!

My big suggestion is that if you build something cool, snap a picture on your phone. Create a Nugget album!

I show my kids other peoples’ photos, but they respond much better to photos of our own nugget builds from the past.

Nugget color combinations

While you’re here, be sure to hop over and see my ultimate guide to Nugget color combinations. Because, TBH, this list is going to make you want another Nugget or two!

Keep scrolling to see links to each of our favorite ways to use our Nuggets!

the ultimate guide to nugget couch builds

The Ultimate Guide to Nugget Configurations!

Here are some of the best ways to use and build with your Nugget Comfort kids' couch!

Sharing is caring!

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