Looking for three Nugget couch configuration ideas? Here are some of our favorite triple Nugget couch builds! We are obsessed with our Nugget comfort couches! They are our favorite place to play, hang out, build, and play rough and tumble with our two kids. Read our full Nugget review! We have 4 Nuggets, and it...
Little Blue Truck inspired mud sensory bin
Love the Little Blue Truck? Here's a super simple muddy sensory bin idea - perfect for playing outside, for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers! We have been reading a lot of truck books lately, and Little Blue Truck is an obvious favorite. If you haven't read it, it's about a little blue truck that's kind to...
Where to donate Halloween costumes in 2025!
Wondering where to donate old Halloween costumes? Here are 10 ideas to keep those gently used costumes out of the landfill! Halloween is SO FUN. But, if you have growing kids, you might have an overflowing storage bin of too small costumes. Because what kid wants to be the same thing two years in a...
The best nicknames for a Great Grandma
Great grandparents are so special! If you are looking for the perfect great-grandma name, here are some ideas to inspire you! Becoming a Grandma is special. Becoming a Great Grandma is really something else! What a gift to be able to get so many generations together. If you are becoming a great grandma, you probably...
The best travel journals for kids
Planning a trip with your kids? Surprise them with a travel journal to help remember the trip by! Here are our favorites! We are finally getting brave enough to travel with our kids. While it's stressful, we sure are making some wonderful memories. Sean and I have always kept a travel journal - ever since...
Life Cycle of a Frog Sensory Bin - with blue oobleck!
Looking for a fun sensory bin idea for your kids? Here's how to make a simple life cycle of a frog sensory bin - with blue oobleck! I am pretty new to creating sensory bins. But, my 2 year old is starting to get more inquisitive and more into small world and imaginative play. Every...
The ultimate guide to Nugget color combinations
Trying to pick the perfect Nugget color combination? Let's dive in and look at some of the most popular options! So, you decided to get a Nugget. Yay! But, now you have to pick the perfect color - or colors. Yikes, that's a lot of pressure! What color Nugget should I get? There are 2...
When should I order a Nugget for Christmas?
Want to order your kids a Nugget as a Christmas gift but not sure when to order? Let's talk about it! Nuggets are a super popular Christmas gift - duh! They are the perfect "big gift" to give your kids. But, with shipping wait times and the foam needing to come out of the box,...
Nugget Couch vs Brentwood Play Couch
Considering a Nugget couch or a Brentwood Play Couch for your kids? Let's compare them side by side to see which is best for your family. Everyone is always looking for a Nugget knock off! A new popular option is the play couch by Brentwood. Let's jump in and compare the two! Here are my...
Do nugget couches go on sale?
Decide to buy a Nugget kid's couch and waiting for a sale? Don't hold your breath! So, you decided to buy a Nugget kid's couch! Hooray! We love ours! But, you want to wait for a sale. You love coupons, discounts. You love a deal. Bad news buddy. Do nugget couches go on sale? No,...
The best Thanksgiving Assistance programs for families
Need help with Thanksgiving this year? Here is a list of organizations that can help provide free food and resources for your family this holiday season. Thanksgiving is a great time of year. It brings friends and families together. It reminds you to be thankful. And the food! But, if you are hard up for...
Balance stepping stones for kids: the ultimate guide!
Considering buying balance stepping stones for your kids? Here are the ones we love and other popular options! We have been slowly collecting gross motor toys to use in our playroom. It's been so fun to find things that really excite our kids! It gets really really hot here in the summer, and rainy a...
The newest Nugget colors!
Love Nugget kids couches? Check out their newest colors! We are obsessed withNugget couches! If you also love Nuggets, you might be closely following the new color releases. Whether you want a new nugget, a new cover, or are just curious, here's what's new! Read about when new colors are released here! Fairway Nugget is...
The 21 Best Vegetarian Freezer Meals for New Moms
When you have a new baby, the last thing you want to do is have to cook an elaborate meal. Whether you are prepping for yourself postpartum or want to gift food to a friend, here are the best freezer meals for new moms! The time right after you have a baby is wild. My...
When are new Nugget colors released?
Wondering when Nugget comfort will release new colors of their kids' couches? Here's the trick to predicting it! So, you've decided to buy a nugget kid's couch. It's so exciting! But, the next question is - what color should you get?! This is a major purchase, and Nuggets are a big fixture in your home!...
Nugget Couch vs. Sam's Club Member’s Mark Kids' Explorer Sofa
Considering a Nugget couch or a Sam's Club Member's Mark Kids' Explorer Sofa for your kids? Let's compare them side by side to see which is best for your family. Everyone is always looking for a Nugget knock off! Most of them are more expensive, and many aren't even readily available, but Sam's Club actually...
Dinosaur themed activities for preschoolers and toddlers
Do your kids love dinosaurs? Here are ideas for dinosaur themed crafts and activities for preschoolers! I'm not quite sure what it is about dinosaurs that is so appealing to toddlers. I guess they are big and loud and totally different from other animals. There are also a ton of different sub-types of dinosaurs, which...
The best dinosaur books for preschoolers
Looking for the perfect dinosaur themed book for your preschooler or toddler? Here are our favorites! Dinosaurs are a big hit with my toddler. I mean, what toddler doesn't go wild for dinos once they discover them?! I love to foster love for topics with books. We get a big stack of on-trend books from...
Dinosaur Ice Dig Excavation activity for preschoolers
Do your kids love dinosaurs? Cool down on a hot day with this simple dinosaur ice dig excavation sensory activity! Luke has been really into dinosaurs lately. We got a dinosaur kit from the library and it really inspired him to learn some of the different dino types. It was hot one day and we...
How long does it take a Nugget couch to fluff up?
Wondering how long it will take your new Nugget couch to expand? Here's my experience with 4 Nuggets! So you got a Nugget couch. Hooray! You snap a selfie with the box, open it, and carefully peel the plastic off the cushions (no scissors!) But - you're disappointed. The Nugget is not what you expected....
How to purge and organize baby clothes for baby #2
Getting ready for baby number 2? Depending on how old your older child is, you may have a lot of saved baby clothes to sort, purge, and organize. Here are my tips for getting it done! I was SO excited when I found out our second child was going to be a girl! I have...
Eco-Baby Magnetic Safety Locks Review
We hope this review of the Eco-Baby Magnetic Safety Locks is helpful to you! We recently purchased these from Amazon and installed them ourselves. It took about 30 minutes to install them all and it wasn't hard. Here's what we think of them! Eco-Baby Magnetic Safety Locks The Eco-Baby Magnetic Safety Locks are a new...
101 Fun Questions to ask your Significant Other
Looking for conversation topics? Or just want to get to know your significant other better? Here are a ton of questions for couples to ask each other! Sean and I have been together since 2012. That might seem like a long time or like no time to you! But, since we work from home together...
Weather themed activities for preschoolers
Want to teach your kids about the weather? Here are some fun + easy ideas for weather themed activities for preschoolers and toddlers! Weather is all around us, and so naturally it's something that kids want to understand. Our son is in a major "why" phase. That applies to everything - including the weather. It's...
The best weather themed books for preschoolers
Want to teach your kids about the weather? Here are our favorite weather themed books for preschoolers! We love doing different themes for our library books each week. Having a theme allows our two year old to really get into a topic. Sometimes these themes become passions (hello dinosaurs, I'm looking at you) and other...
11 Nugget Comfort Slide Ideas
Want to turn your Nugget Comfort kids' couch into a slide? Here are a ton of build ideas! Nuggets are a super fun toy for toddlers and kids. You can use them to build forts, obstacle courses, stairs, and of course, slides. Slides are fun for kids of all ages. If you use the thick...
How to make Nugget Comfort stairs: a step by step guide
Want to make the trendy Nugget staircase? Here's how to make it - no matter how many Nuggets you have - and even add a slide! Nugget recently shared an awesome staircase step build on their instagram page. It inspired me to try this build out myself! I was super impressed. It's extremely stable (my...
10 Things to do in Hendersonville, North Carolina with kids
Planning a trip to Hendersonville, North Carolina? Here are some of our favorite things to do there with kids! We just got back from a week and a half in Hendersonville North Carolina. We had such a fantastic time, I felt compelled to round up all of the great activities that we did with our...
Nugget couch ideas for adults: Nugget After Dark Ideas
Want to put your Nugget couch to work after hours? Here are some Nugget After Dark build ideas for adults. Y'all are going wild for Nugget After Dark. After this Facebook group went viral on TikTok, searches for Nugget couch ideas for adults have skyrocketed. Whether you're just curious or you're interested in trying it...
6 ways to use a balance board for kids!
Looking for ideas for how to use a balance board for kids? Here are our favorite ways to use a wobble board! Balance boards are really hyped up on kids' space facebook groups. They are touted as essential to a Montessori playroom or for Nugget play. So, of course I ordered one. We got it...
Retired Nugget Comfort colors
If you are interested in seeing some of the retired Nugget comfort couch colors, look no further! I have gathered them up for you to enjoy. Obsessed with Nugget kid's couches? Aren't we all! This couch is more than just a couch - and more than a kid's toy. It's a beautiful, high quality piece...
Spider themed snack ideas for kids
Want to get spooky? How about serving up some spiders! Check out these spider themed snack ideas for kids! Do your kids love spiders? These spider-themed treats are perfect for Halloween and halloween parties and treat bags. I like to celebrate all October long, and adding little special touches to meals is a great way...
31 Monster themed activities for preschoolers
Do your kids love monsters? Here are a TON of fun monster themed activities + crafts for toddlers and preschoolers! My son totally loves monsters. I don't know why I thought he'd be afraid of them - but he just thinks they are hilarious! So, whether you are planning for Halloween or just have kids...
Monster themed foods for kids
Do your kids love monsters? They will go wild for these monster themed food ideas! My 2.5 year old goes wild for Monsters. He seriously loves them and will pick anything monster themed when given the choice! Monsters are popular for Halloween, but you could also plan monster activities, a monster-themed party or just have...
Our favorite Monster books for toddlers & preschoolers
Looking for the perfect monster themed book for your toddler or preschooler? Here are my favorites! Kids love monsters! I dunno why I assumed that my son would be scared of them, but at 2.5 he finds them hilarious and awesome. We do a lot of monster talk around here and with that comes some...
Nicknames for Grandma (who doesn't think she's old enough to be Grandma!)
Looking for cute and unique nickname ideas for grandma? Here are a ton to get you inspired! Becoming a grandparent is a big deal. A part of that is choosing the name that your grandkids will call you! This was a hot topic and one of much contention in our family. Our mothers both delayed...
How to move with a Nugget kids couch
Planning to move and wondering how to transport your Nugget kids couch? Here's what we learned when we moved! If you are planning to move, you are probably stressed out. Packing - especially kids stuff - is super stressful and time consuming. If you have a Nugget - or two - you might be stressed...
How to store a Nugget couch when not in use
Want a Nugget but not sure how to store it when not in use? Here are my best ideas to get it out of the way! Nuggets are ultra-popular kid's modular couches. Read my full Nugget review here! They include 2 larger rectangular pieces (that each fold to become 2 squares) and 2 triangular "pillows"....
The best board games for toddlers
Want to try board games with your toddler? Here are our favorite board games that they can actually play! Toddlers can be wild and fun and all of the above but they also can get boring. Hear me out - they aren't boring, per se, but they zoom through activities so quickly that they -...
Single Nugget Couch Configuration Ideas
Looking for Nugget couch configuration ideas? Here are some of our favorite single Nugget couch builds! Nuggets are a super popular toy for kids. These modular play couches can be mixed up and configured to play, hangout, build, and play rough and tumble with our two kids. We actually have 4 Nuggets, but we do...
The Best Tips for Blueberry Picking with Kids!
Want to take your kids blueberry picking? Here's what to expect and how to plan to go blueberry picking with kids! We love doing outdoor activities and any trip to a farm is a big treat for our two year old. We recently discovered that there is a blueberry farm less than 15 minutes from...
Two Nugget Configuration Ideas
Looking for two Nugget couch configuration ideas? Here are some of our favorite double Nugget couch builds! We are obsessed with our Nugget comfort couches! They are our favorite place to play, hang out, build, and play rough and tumble with our two kids. Read our full Nugget review! We have 2 Nuggets, and it...