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Play Doh Valentines Cards – Free Printable!

Looking for the perfect candy-free valentine to send to school with your kid? Check out this play doh valentines day card – with a free printable! Such a fun idea for Valentines day with your kids!

Providing valentines for a class full of kids can be a lot. And, honestly, the last thing that the kids need is MORE candy.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not anti-candy. I just like some candy alternatives every once in a while.

You know one thing kids love almost as much as candy? Play doh! Play doh makes a great gift for any occasion (check my play doh Christmas cards!)

Play doh is inexpensive and easy to buy in bulk. This is the play doh that I buy. It’s cheaper than the dollar store when you buy the party favor packs.

So, this year consider making these a-doh-able valentines (see what I did there?!) I have a free play doh valentine printable for you to make this a super cute and super easy craft.

play doh valentines FREE PRINTABLE

Play Doh Puns

Looking for other ideas for your Play Dough Valentines? Here are my favorite play doh puns:

  • DOH you want to be my valentine?
  • I think you are a-DOH-able
  • It is DOH nice to be your friend
  • Have a won-DOH-ful Valentines Day
  • You are DOH best
  • I am DOH glad you are my friend
play doh valentines on a table

How to make Play Doh Valentines

To make these you will need:

Steps to make


Print the printable Play Doh valentines

play doh valentine free printable

STEP 2: Cut them out

Use scissors to cut the 4 cards apart. You can then cut out the circle for the play doh (it’s sized to fit a 1oz jar) or you can use double sided tape to just tape it there.

If cutting out the circles, it’s helpful to cut small notches around the circle to ensure a tight fit. See image below.

cutting out play doh valentine free printable
play doh in valentine free printable

STEP 3: Sign the cards

It’s much easier if your kids sign the cards before adding the play doh.

play doh in valentine free printable


Insert the play doh in the holes and get ready to pass them out!

play doh valentines on a table

Play Doh Valentine Free Printable

Get my Play Doh valentines in a free printable PDF as a part of our FREE printables library! Click here to get access or use the widget below!

Thanks for reading!

celebrating with kids about us image

Sharing is caring!

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