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Things to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving

Looking for inspirations for Thanksgiving I am thankful for this year? Here are some things to be thankful for!

The weather is getting cold, the Christmas trees are going up in every store, and the pumpkin flavored everything is everywhere.

Yes, it’s time for Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving can mean a lot of things to different people – family get togethers, big piles of food, football – but for most people, it brings a feeling of thankfulness.

It can be really hard in your day to day life to stop and feel thankful. There are always stresses and so much going on – it’s easier to focus on the negatives than on the positives.

There are many things to be grateful for as a mom or parent!

If you are having trouble feeling thankful this season – or just need something to say as you go around the dinner table – here are some reminder of reasons to be thankful.

happy thanskgiving things to be thankful for

Things to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving

Here are some ideas of things to put on your gratitude list!

  1. Good health
  2. Security or safety
  3. Loving family
  4. Children
  5. Good friendships
  6. Loving animals
  7. Clean air
  8. Clean water
  9. Having a job
  10. Having a home
  11. Your parents (especially if they are present)
  12. Mashed potatoes
  13. Being invited to the Thanksgiving table
  14. The football game
  15. A day off of work
  16. Happy events in the last year
  17. Removing someone or something (such as a bad job) toxic from your life
  18. Rolls
  19. Crunching in fall leaves
  20. Pumpkin spice anything (if you’re a fan)
  21. Pie
  22. Baby giggles
  23. Books
  24. Time to relax
  25. Leftovers
  26. Facetime – especially if you can’t all get together this year!
  27. Nurses, doctors, and other medical staff
  28. Vaccines and medical researchers
  29. Your favorite TV show
  30. Kindness of strangers
  31. Coffee
  32. Travel or a recent trip
  33. Being single
  34. Wine
  35. Fun family traditions
  36. Dishwashers
  37. Laughter
  38. Being alive and free

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to practice gratitude! Try to take these feelings of thankfulness into the entire holiday season and all year long!

Thanks for reading!

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Sharing is caring!

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