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Fall Scavenger Hunt for Kids (Free printable!)

Want to get your kids outside this fall? Letโ€™s go on a scavenger hunt! Hereโ€™s how to plan a Fall Scavenger Hunt for kids and a free PDF printable!

Fall is a fantastic time of year. The weather is absolutely perfect and itโ€™s the best time to get outdoors and enjoy the natural world around us.

As a parent, I try not to structure my kids time too much, but sometimes they need some kind of activity or we all quickly get restless.

One of my favorite outdoor activities is a nature scavenger hunt (and then later, nature art!)

The beauty of a nature hunt is basically an i-spy game. Give them a list of things to look for, and then let them run wild and really lead the play.

Planning a Fall scavenger hunt for older kids? Try this Make your Own Escape Room for Fall!

The fall nature scavenger hunt is great because suddenly, all around us, a lot of things are changing. Leaves are changing colors, things are falling from the trees โ€“ thereโ€™s a lot to see and discuss!

As far as fall activities with kids go, this is a super fun and absolutely free one.

Hereโ€™s my best tips for visiting the pumpkin patch with kids!

Be sure to check out my Halloween scavenger hunt for kids!

free printable fall nature hunt

Fall Scavenger Hunt Free Printable PDF

Get a free printable PDF to take on your scavenger hunt with you! Click here to sign up for access to our free printables library! We also have a Halloween scavenger hunt in there!

Fall Scavenger Hunt Ideas

Nature-based items will vary depending on your location. We live in South Carolina and so these are all items that we have in our neighborhood in the fall.

toddler on a fall nature hunt

Here are some things that you might look for on your fall outdoor scavenger hunt:

  • Leaves โ€“ green, brown, yellow, red
  • Bugs โ€“ ants, spiders, dragon flies
  • Animals โ€“ squirrels, chipmunks, birds
  • Nature โ€“ sticks, rocks, pine cones, gum balls, pine straw
  • Decor โ€“ pumpkins, scarecrows, gourds, hay bales

It can be really fun to preserve leaves (for crafting)!

Depending on where you are hunting, you may be able to bring home some of your finds! We love bringing home sticks, leaves, and other goodies to use for nature paintings!

Plus, our kids have a big bucket in the garage they fill with their finds and once itโ€™s full we go throw them (one by one) into the pond!

toddler putting nature items in a bucket

How to do a nature fall scavenger hunt

First, make a treasure hunt list. You could use our free printable or make your own.

Then, head outdoors! Go to a woodsy type area if possible. We like to go on the far side of a pond in our neighborhood on a dirt trail.

Look and see what you can find!

For older kids, consider discussing:

  • What does the object feel like?
  • What does the object smell like?
  • Was this thing here in the Summer? In the Spring?
  • Is it heavy? Light?
toddlers on a fall nature hunt

Fall scavenger hunt printable

Fall scavenger hunt printable free PDF

Get our free printable PDF to take on your scavenger hunt with you! Click here to sign up for access to our free printables library!

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