Looking for fun and funny elf on the shelf ideas? Here's how to set up an easy elf on the shelf gift bow rock climbing wall!
Setting up the Elf on the Shelf can be a LOT of work. Let's keep it easy by using things you already have on hand that won't take half an hour to put together!
Today I want to share an Elf set up that was a huge hit with my kids - the gift bow rock climbing wall!

Elf on the Shelf Gift Bow Rock Climbing Wall
Difficulty: Intermediate
Time: 5 minutes
What you need:
- Elf on the Shelf
- Small adhesive gift bows
- Thumb tacks
- Glue dots or sticky tack

What you do:
- Choose a wall for your elf to climb. Near the gift wrap is great!
- Attach sticky dots to the hands and feet of your elf. Press them against the wall and hold firmly until he feels secure.
- Optional: Add thumbtacks through the hand or feet to make more secure.
- Add glue dots or tape to the back of the bows and add like rock climbing grabbers near the hands and feet. Cover the thumbtacks if you used them.
- Enjoy!

How do you get an Elf on the Shelf to hang on the wall?
I originally tried to stick our elf up with just glue dots and it would not hold for more than an hour. But, clear thumb tacks through the hand (ouch!) did the trick!

See all of our Elf on the Shelf ideas:
- The best Elf on the Shelf name ideas
- Why your Elf on the Shelf should bring books
- Elf on the Shelf idea: dinosaur sled
- Elf on the shelf snowball fight
- Elf on the shelf idea: bubble bath
- Elf on the shelf idea: bow rock climbing
- Elf on the shelf idea: zipline
- How to get an Elf on the Shelf inside a balloon
- Free printable Elf scavenger hunt clues

Hey there, I'm Morgan, the creative mind behind CelebratingWithKids.com! As a parent of two lively little ones, I've made it my mission to turn ordinary days into extraordinary adventures, sharing playful activities, thoughtful toy reviews, and delightful printables to help families celebrate every moment together. ππ¨βπ©βπ§βπ¦π