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Elf on the Shelf Idea: Spiderman!

Looking for fun and funny elf on the shelf ideas? Here’s how to set up an easy Hanging Spiderman Elf on the Shelf idea!

Setting up the Elf on the Shelf can be a LOT of work. Let’s keep it easy by using things you already have on hand that won’t take half an hour to put together!

My kids are really into Spider-Man so I decided to try to come up with a way to turn our elf into Spider-Man this holiday season.

I really love any chance for our elf to hang – like in a hot air balloon – so this is a fun way to get him to hang – and upside down at that.

Anyways, this was quick to set up and a really fun idea. Here’s how I did it!

elf on the shelf spiderman

Elf on the Shelf – Hanging Spiderman

Difficulty: Easy

Time: 10 minutes

What you need:

What you do:

  1. Print and cut out a spiderman mask, sized to fit your elf – mine is about 2.5″x2.5″
  2. Use double sided tape or a sticky dot to attach the mask to the face
  3. Use string to tie the elves 2 hands together.
  4. Take the end of that same string and tie the 2 feet together. They should be positioned bent and towards the hands (see picture).
  5. Continue the string up to where you want to hang it – our elf is hanging from the ceiling fan!
  6. If you want to have bad guys getting “webbed up”, wrap each in white rope at tie or tape in the back.
  7. Grab another piece of string, tie to elf’s hand, and tie to bad guys or right next to them to make the spraying web.

That’s it! It took about ten minutes but if you can cut and tie a double knot you can crank this out easily. My kids were DELIGHTED and it was so fun to see their reaction to the “bad guy” action figures getting got by Spidey!

Happy elfing around!

Thanks for reading!

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Sharing is caring!

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