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What do I do with a leprechaun trap?

Wondering what do I do with a leprechaun trap? Leprechaun traps are a fun and silly St Patricks Day kids idea. Here’s what to do with them!

St. Patrick’s Day is one of those silly holidays that you never think about until you have a little kids. I mean maybe you thought about it if you were out drinking in your youth, but as an adult, it’s usually just another day.

And then your kid comes home from school and says the Timmy’s mom is helping him catch a leprechaun. Well, we’re not about to get bested by Timmys mom, y’all.

I’m here to let you know that leprechaun traps are easy to make and really fun to do with your kids.

Try not to let this be another drag on your day. Let’s make it a super fun and silly family tradition to enjoy now and for years to come.

What do I do with a leprechaun trap

What do I do with a leprechaun trap?

So, you’ve been assigned to set up a leprechaun trap with your kids. Here’s what you need to do!

flap in the top of the oatmeal canister for a leprechaun trap
flap in the top of the oatmeal canister for a leprechaun trap

Make it with your kids

The first thing that you need to do is actually make your leprechaun trap. If your kid made one at school and brought it home, you can go ahead and skip ahead.

There are a lot of different ideas for how to make a leprechaun trap. But, I suggest that you keep it simple.

My favorite leprechaun trap that we have made was our oatmeal canister leprechaun hat trap. Seriously, look around your recycling bin and see what you have to re-purpose.

Our leprechaun trap printables can be paired with almost any kind of container Repton, Green to make a really cute and simple, leprechaun trap.

leprechaun trap toolkit

Set it up with bait

No, you need to add bait to your leprechaun trap. This is some thing that will entice your leprechaun. There are a lot of things that attract leprechauns, including:

  • shamrocks (real or cut outs)
  • rainbows
  • gold anything

Adding these elements on and around your trap will draw in the unsuspecting creatures.

leprechaun trap with trail of gold coins leading to the door
leprechaun trap with trail of gold coins leading to the door

Wait overnight

Now, you wait. Leprechauns only come at night when everyone is asleep, so you have to wait until morning to see what happens!

DIY leprechaun trap from an oatmeal canister

See what the leprechaun brings

it is very hard to catch a leprechaun, so it is unlikely that you will actually catch one in your trap. However, leprechauns that are almost caught often reward the children who tried to catch them with a little treats.

This might include: a letter from the leprechaun, gold coins, leprechaun footprints, chocolate, or other special little treats.

leprechaun letter and treats

Leprechaun traps might seem silly and excessive, but they really are fun and they don’t have to be complicated if you keep them simple!

Have fun and enjoy your St Patricks Day! Good luck trapping!

Thanks for reading!

celebrating with kids about us image

Sharing is caring!

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