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The best Frozen 2 toys for kids

Are your kids obsessed with Frozen? Mine too! Here are the best Frozen 2 toys and Frozen 2 gift ideas for kids!

My kids are obsessed with Frozen and from that spun off an obsession with Frozen 2.

In fact, for a while, we were watching waaaay more Frozen 2 than regular Frozen.

Confession time: I don’t like Frozen 2. I think the storyline is weird and oddly dark for a movie targeting small kids.

And, I don’t think the songs are as good.

But, my kids love it, and I know that a lot of other kids love it too. So much that I’ve heard rumors that there will be a Frozen 3… we will see!

Since y’all love my list of the best Frozen toys so much, I wanted to create a new list that just focuses on the best Frozen 2 toys for kids!

The best Frozen 2 toys for kids

What’s the difference between Frozen and Frozen 2?

There are a bunch of differences in these two movies (they are different movies!) but I will focus on the difference in the toys:

  • Elsa and Anna each have a different dress and slightly different look for Frozen 2
  • There is the addition of the spirits, which in toys primarily means Fire Spirit (the purple lizard thing), Nok (the ice horse), and the rock giants.
  • There is no Hans or Duke of Whistleton. Kristoff is still there!

Planning a Frozen party? Here are the best Frozen party favor ideas!

The best Frozen 2 toys for kids

Here are the top Frozen 2 toys, broken down by character!

elsa doll

Frozen 2 Elsa toys

Here are the best Elsa toys for kids from Frozen 2!

frozen anna doll after a week with my 2 year old
frozen anna doll after a week with my 2 year old

Frozen 2 Anna Toys

Here are the best Anna toys for kids from Frozen 2!

stuffed fire spirit

Frozen 2 Spirit toys

Here are the best Frozen 2 toys of Fire Spirit, Nok the Ice Horse, and the Rock Giants!

frozen little people

Frozen 2 books and activities

Here are books and activities from Frozen 2 for kids!

Any more questions about Frozen 2?

Thanks for reading!

celebrating with kids about us image

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