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14 Child-friendly Christmas appetizers

Planning a Christmas party? Here are some great ideas for child friendly Christmas appetizers!

The holiday season often means lots of party planning is going on.

If you are planning a holiday party, you might be looking for some kids Christmas party food ideas!

Now, I will say, it’s hard to declare something as “kid friendly”.

My daughter LOVES cucumber and tomatoes but my son says GROSS!

My kids eat meatballs and hamburgers but your kids might only like chicken nuggets.

So, if you are hosting a small number of kids – ask first. Ask their parent or caregiver what they actually like to eat.

Because, Christmas appetizers for kids can look really different depending on what they actually like to eat!

Here are some ideas for Santa themed snacks!

Anyways, here are some holiday appetizers that would be a hit with my kids! I hope that your kids will love them, too!

christmas appetizers that kids will love

Kid friendly Christmas appetizers

Child-friendly Christmas appetizers

Trying to pick appetizers for your holiday menu? Here are some that are big hits with little kids!

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