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100th day of school outfit ideas for boys

Looking for the perfect 100th day of school outfit ideas for boys? Here are a ton of ideas – including kits to buy or things to pull from your closet!

I know that people are always hating on schools for having spirit days and dress up days. And I get it – parents are busy and I’m sure the days like this inevitably lead to certain kids being traumatized due to not having costumes, for good or bad reasons.

But, I really do love spirit days. I guess I’m part of the problem. I see them is such a fun opportunity to create this really happy core memory for your kids.

My son recently had his 100th day of preschool, and was given the option to dress up like an old man.

I wish I could share the pictures of his class here because it was so cute and funny.

But, I did want to pop in and talk about some ideas for 100 year old man costumes for a little boys. I think the girls are easier and it can always be kind of hard to come up with dress up clothes for boys.

A lot of the 100 year old look comes from the right attitude. Let your kid be silly and really get into character – that makes it so much fun!

Pair this outfit with a simple 100 days printable book!

costumes for the 100th day of school for boys

100th day of school outfit ideas for boys

When it comes to old man costumes for kids, you can either buy one or put one together from household items!

DIY old man costumes for kids

It’s actually easy to throw together an old man costume with household items, especially if you have an older man’s closet to pull from!

These items can also be thrifted or borrowed from friends or neighbors, if your kids give you enough notice to plan!

Consider including:

  • sweater vest
  • bow tie
  • newsboy style hat
  • suspenders (bonus points for suspenders AND a belt)
  • can or walking stick
  • gray hair – wig or baby powder
  • glasses

I think that it’s super important to include your child in the decision making process and make sure that they are comfortable and can easily go to the bathroom and take pieces of the costume off if they no longer want to wear them throughout the day. What they say is most important here!

costumes for the 100th day of school for boys

Old man costume kits for kids

If you don’t want to put a costume together yourself or don’t have much on hand, it can be easy to just order a kit. They are relatively inexpensive and can be reused for other kids or over multiple years.

Here are some favorites!

Whatever you do, don’t stress about it! Have fun and enjoy these silly days with your kiddos!

Thanks for reading!

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Sharing is caring!

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